octubre 25, 2012

Abduction of Love.

Now, i'm gonna share a  little story created by me long time ago.

It is really interesting how people’s conscience is hungry to get out of the mind, and show us that the only thing that we are sure to do is follow our dreams. Our society now is repressed because of the fast movement of the Earth arround our inert needs, such as money,  technology, Internet, etc. However, those needs are useful to face our reality, because we already have known how to live with them we cannot go back to past when the future is in front of  our faces. In spite of we have known how to evolve as society we have forgotten the real sense of humanity, which is Love among us and our environment.
In this story the main character, Leo and 4 wired beings, shows us that it could be possible to forget about our possessions and start to think about our spiritual needs as human beigns. Let’s go to this amazing trip without any fear. Sometimes our dreams can teach us to keep in mind that anything is impossible, when we are willing to make them true.

Abduction of love?

This story begins when  my friend Leo and I were walking down the Pampa road to Chañaral, in the north of my dear Chile.  The weather was hot actually scorching, and we were sweating like a pig in the middle of the night.
We were talking something about our memories when we were kids. Suddenly something really weird happend, I don’t know if it was magical or a thing to be scare about.  Just behind a hill there was a light sparkling, it was beautiful and interesting at the same time. We wanted to know what  was it, so we ran directly to that light.
When were getting near of the light our bodies began to get frozen. We tried to move but it was impossible. We inmediatelly went into a trance while a mystic music was playing a heavenly melody like  ticklish in your feeth or when you eat something deliciously and your mouth waters. Leo and I felt that  our feet were taking off of the floor covered by a green-blue-round-warm light. We felt that everything was quite and the air caresses our undulating hair. At the end of this short road to heaven an slide door opened. We were astonished at the moment to see that 4 living-beings were walking toward us. They laid on of hands and started to talk in a language that was unknown for us, but we could understand everything they were saying.  The only thing that they wanted to know about us was the reason of why do people make wars, feel hate, fight like cats and dogs and make destruction. They taught us the real code of love, also told us that we were the chosen ones to start a revolution of love in the World. We understood that our Earth was suffering because human beings didn’t know how to treat it in the right way. They showed us their society of love and tenderness and we realized that the only thing to do was to give a little bit of love to humanity.
When they gave us the tools of love said good-bye and sent us to La Pampa again. We smashed abruptly the floor like a rock against the wall.  When Leo and I woke up after the shock we realized that everything was a dream and because of the scorching weather we faint. Now we know that we need to create a change in this society and that change begins first of all inside us. 

octubre 23, 2012

Understanding by design... Backward Design.

In the "teaching world" we have to consider as many aspects and characteristics as we can see within the school environment. Reading the first chapter of Understanding by Design I found a quotation, actually it's a saying, that might help us, as teachers, to understand what we are going to do inside schools. It says: "If you don't know exactly where you are headed, then any road will get you there." It means in education that, no matter if we know what activities we are going to do, what kind of resources we will use, o even what we do like to teach, if we do not clarify the main goal at the end of the lesson, everything will be pointless. That's why we need to take into account backward as something essential at the moment we are planning our lessons.

Going forward through chapter 1, we can find a useful three-stages of backward design, this is what we need to keep in mind at the momento of putting into practice what we have learnt about being a teacher, but know in paper following a specific curriculum.
Stage one, represents Identifying desired results, that means we need to considers our goal at the end of every lessons and also, we teachers, need to make some choices, making the right decisions about content standards and review curriculum expectations.
Stage 2, which is called Determine acceptable evidence, related to assessments. In this stage we need to consider our desired goals from students in order to design an evaluation that could fit their learning processes. In this way we could see if the desired learning and understanding have been achieved.
Stage 3, puts together the two staged mentioned before, plus experiences and instruction. Here the main idea is to keep in mind every single information that we have obtained from students, topics, assessments and desired results. At the very moment that we are going to plan a lesson these elements must be involved in order to make it meaninful to our students.

For me this reading has been sifnificant, because it will be helpful in future and it is an aid to edify my own teacher identity.

The end.

noviembre 21, 2010

Hidden tresure found in children's park.

Once upon a time, there was a child who liked  play hide and seek at the park with friends. One day, he was playing and he ran to hide himself behind a big tree. He look at the floor and realized that there was a whole. His friends began to look for him, after few minutes they saw him doing something.
What are you doing?- they asked.
I'm looking at this hole that has been dug, maybe the are a treasure.- he said.
the earth was cleaned quickly by the boys who were excited to find a tresure. Suddenly, they saw a golden box and a key next to it, something amazing was buried. 
It is a gift given by god guys!!- shouted really loud one of the children.
We need to open this box!- said another one.
They oppened the box and a bright light dazzled them. There were thounsand of golden goins.
Children were really happy tosee  this treasure. But they knew that this event needed to be forgotten, because no one of their relatives would believe them. Sadly, the treasure was left by children and they returned to play again.

The End.

octubre 28, 2010

is it important the geography in a war?

 I think that, there are many reasons  in order to create a war. Thay can be antything. In deed, there are many posibilities to attack against a country that is considered the enemy. 
According to the text, I  don't think that geography really has an important role in a war, beacuse I consider this only has a way to attack.    

In Iraq's situation, I can realised that geography is quiet important, because of the desert, to the enemy it is a good way to go past and then attacks. But, it is  not the only way that they can do damage. I think weapons  are more danger than geography. Actually, I reckon that every single thing  wich is  made by humans are more dangerous than everything else.

So, what can we do? or, what can we think about this issue?  Normally, we don't think about this topic, and it is interesting to get opinions about it.
The end.


octubre 05, 2010


Sitting Bull is legendary beacause he  defended his territory as a good boss. He belonged to one of the seven tribes of  Siux teton town. This town  was invaded on 1866 by white north american people.  
His personality was strong and serious. He convinced  many warriors of his town to fight against white people, forming  a little battle in order to protect their lands. Finally, natives and american did a deal, it was about to respect some native zones, forbiding the entrance of american without permission of natives.
In my opinion, every single person who has the power to fight for their own thoughts and believes is a hero. 
In this case, Sitting Bull was a hero for me, because he was in charge of his people, as a real boss, and he knew how to move them in a clever way. However many people died, but he achieved a deal cheating american ones.
I think, we can make a little comparison betwen this american town and Mapuche. Why? because Mapuche also fought for their lands. Nowadays, Mapuche conflict is our problem too. Perhaps, we have a Sitting Bull inside of us, or may be most of us need to create a personality that Sitting Bull had. It's really important to have in mind, that you are an important person, because of that your toughts and beliefves are important too. If you need to fight for them DO IT as Sitting Bull did.

septiembre 30, 2010

Elefante Mecanico - Play Geoslide

wich of the power of a superhero would I most like to have?

I think  I would like to have the ability to fly... because, I consider interesting to feel the power of  freedom, travel arround the world, looking places that I've never gone. But the most importante think is that I would  never pay transantiago's tickets! because fly is free!
This ability could change my life beacuse, is something different and strange. It could make me be an important and mysterious woman, maybe a wonderful woman who can save lives or help people in a spontaneous way!
However, I would not like to have super hearing, because i'm not interested in hearing people's talks or  annoying sounds such as cars, barking, or people who are discussing something irrelevant to name a few.